Thursday, June 18, 2009

Door hung, next was to hole saw for the handles

We had to hang 6 internal doors into this house.

Had to be careful when installing the doors, because we work so close to the mine majority of the houses have moved so much from the blasting so alot of the frames are out by heaps.
Over all it went well, didnt have to throw any doors out and got them all hung.
Tools used-
Combination Square
Electric Saw
Electric Planer
Retractable Tape
Folding Rule
Electric Sander

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Book Shelf Brackets

This was a little project that Tim gave us towards the end of the day which involved using a jig saw, block plane and a mitre saw.

First we had to cut everything to length using the mitre saw then mark our timber along the edges to take of the aris, which we did using the block plane. Next was to use the jig saw and cut out the support that goes between the two brackets, I'm thinking I need a little more practice on the jig saw as it wasn't very square. Nothing a little sanding wouldn't fix though. And then finally it was time to srew them together which I did with a pilot hole and also countersunk and a little glue. Turned out looking actually good, was worried about about my cuts on the mitre saw, but didn't need to be in the end.

Here are some photos of the finished product

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Well, have now finished the saw stool. Everything came up ok apart from a few angles which were chiseled out on the piss a little, but it was'nt anything you could notice too easily.

The final plane that I had to give the top of the legs chiped out a little but I found doing small swirls with the planer came up with alot cleaner finish and less chipping out.

So overall I got a pass for the stool and now have it at home for use there.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Very similar to the saw stools we are making
A sign that you might see when there is asbestos removal in process

Correct P.P.E for asbestos removal

Joels Saw Stool Adventure

Had to make a saw stool using pine. Tools that I used were :

Bench Hook- To cut pine on bench while holding it against the block
Mallet- To hit the back of the chisel with
Chisel- To chisel out grooves and bevels and rebate
Folding Rule- For measuring
Combination Square- Used to check the square and marking gauge
Sliding Bevel- To get my angles
Drawing Pencil- For marking the timber
Marking Gauge- For drawing my lines parallel to the timber
Planer- For taking of the aris

Before we could start on our saw stool we had to do a practice using just 2 legs, which prepared me for the real thing.
Learnt plenty doing the saw stool especially how to do angles and chisel correctly without making a mess of the timber. Alot of sanding was also involved.
Im still going on the saw stool but will update you about the finishing product.