Tuesday, May 26, 2009


A Material Safety Data Sheet has important information on it regarding a hazardous substance.

The type of information on it should contain : substance product name

: the ingredients in the substance

: the chemical & physical properties

: health hazard information

: how to use and handle the substance safely

: the address and telephone of the manufacturer

We need the MSDS so we can refer back to it if we have any queries on handling or if an accident does happen with any substances or chemicals we know how to treat the patient or clean up.

Medium Density Fibre Board

MDF was originally developed only for furniture. But because of its strength it now has many uses including kitchens, mouldings, bathroom invironments, exterior cladding and structual applications are also increasing. This is why you will come across this everywhere in and around a building site.

Manual or mechanical cutting or abrasion performed on MDF may cause irritation to the eyes, dermatitis to sensitive skinned people and depending on the species, wood dust may cause respiratory irritation.

To reduce these hazards its recommended that the correct P.P.E should be worn including safety glasses, gloves and dust mask when cutting the material.

MDF should be handled with gloves on and stored away from incompatibles, kept in a cool dry area, and away from any ignition source.

I dont think the risks are to serious to your health as long as the correct P.P.E is worn.

Fibre Cement Sheeting

Fibre Cement Sheeting is used for flooring, panelling, decking, floor trusses, toilet partitions and many building materials and products.

This product is most likely to be hazardous when using power tools and sanding.

Its recommended that long sleeved shirts and long trousers are worn, with gloves, glasses and a respiratory mask when cutting or sanding.

Fibre Cement Sheets should be stored flat and level in a covered dry area. Lift, handle and carry the sheets on there edge.

Correct P.P.E worn and the risks to your health are low.

Asbestos a Home Renovators Guide

a) Corrugated roof sheeting, Eaves, Lining above windows and doors

b) Asbestos is not harmful or dangerous untill it is broken up, drilled into or disturbed so that fibres have become airborne. It is dangerous because it can cause asbestosis which is scarring of lung tissue that impairs breathing, it also causes lung cancer.

c) You can minimise the chance of being exposed to asbestos by not breaking it up and exposing the fibres or drilling into it. If you are to do either of those, the correct P.P.E should be worn like a full body suite, disposable gloves, safety goggles and a respiratory mask.

d) No you dont need a licence to remove asbestos but there are people who are licenced to do so

e) I consider the risk of being exposed fairly low as long as care is taken and knowledge of its where abouts is known